About two weeks ago I took the plunge after almost a month of careful research, and bought into an internet marketing package (“starting an online business“) that made some lofty promises.
I can’t say that I am disappointed because I really did not expect it to be easy. I must admit that the “autopilot” aspect and (I love these catch-phrases) the automated income streams sure would come in handy right now.
Once you sift through all the fast cash hype and easy money jargon (most of which are online money making scams) you find several common elements in all of these starting an online business sales pitches. You don’t have to be very smart and it doesn’t take much computer savvy or know how to set up an online business.
I would like to deal with these two right off the top.
Starting An Online Business – The Honest Challenges
I consider myself pretty darn smart (and modest whether you believe it or not) and I have a reasonable amount of computer experience. I have learned more in the last week building a web site than I ever thought I would know about the internet.
I have become a stranger to my family lately as I have been at the computer from 4 pm until 11 or later every night, with short breaks for dinner and the calls of nature. My back aches and I have developed a nasty squint. I have made one very important discovery: I am in this for the long run.
If you want to be a success, you have to be. Starting an online business takes hard work.
Despite the fact that what I have already accomplished is not what anyone would consider easy, the hard part lies ahead. Getting traffic to my site is very obviously the key. The free methods include what I am doing right now. By writing articles I hope to create a presence and attract visitors.
I am hopeful that the free material I offer will be useful to others, and hopefully they will use the services of some of my affiliate partners. I can honestly say that I have not, nor will I, try to sell anything on my site that I have not personally used or tested.
I will hold on to that principle even at the expense of easy profits because being honorable and trustworthy in business means a lot more “in the long run”. In my mind, starting an online business is about earning trust (not becoming rich) with my visitors.
I am currently researching the online version of Multi-Level-Marketing. The email campaigns that I have been bombarded with are relentless. This is the chance you take when you enter your email. I haven’t unsubscribed yet because I am curious to see if they will change their tactics after the first hundred or so emails.
I am waiting for somebody to impress me with an original pitch. I would use myself, something that grabs my attention because I consider myself a skeptic and a hard sell. I will definitely let you know what happens the next time I write…
About the author: Mike Reid is an aspiring writer (which really means amateur) and founder of The Online Business Source, a resource for internet entrepreneurs loaded will valuable free content. I am chronicling my online business from its genesis, through its meteoric rise to the top, as a guide to other would-be internet entrepreneurs. Please visit my site at www.theonlinebusinesssource.com and learn more about my stories in starting an online business.
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